Monday, February 1, 2016

February 2016 - FHE

Here is the outline for February's EP FHE. It is very important that you print off and read the outline completely ASAP! There is a lot of fun and exciting things we are focusing on this month but they will all need your thoughts and dedication through out the month! :) Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you might have.

WHEN: Monday February 22nd, 2016
Click the link below to access and print of this months outline PDF.

February 2016 FHE - Print Off

Have you also seen our 1st 2016 Quarterly Activity coming up in March??? Find the information both here on the blog and on our Facebook page!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

2016 - 1st Quarter Family Activity

2016 1st Quarter Family Activity!

March 2016 - CANNERY!!!

WHEN: Saturday March 12th, 2016
TIME: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
WHERE: Lindon Home Storage Center (Cannery)
                940 W. Center St. - Lindon, UT 84042 - (801) 785-0997

We're going to get our canning on at the LDS cannery! Below is a link to the current price list of cans and bulk product at the storehouse. Plan ahead with your March monthly EP Budget so that you will be able to can what you want to add to your food storage - even if it's only one item! Because our local locations still are full functioning locations you can also purchase and can bulk products there so that's something to think about or even split the bulk item you want with another family for an even cheaper price! FUN FUN FUN!!! And our out of state families can make an appointment at their local cannery for the same day so that we are all doing it together! :) 

Remember, ALWAYS plan ahead for success!!! With our busy lives I know that it's hard to work things into our schedules especially if you have older kids that have tons of activities going on! I KNOW we will be blessed as our little family if we do these things together. Make time for it ahead of time and make arrangements to attend! I really do have a personal testimony of this specific outline for our Emergency Prep and I promise to always do my best to help make things easy enough and structured to accomplish! But I can't clear your schedules for you! :) (Believe me when I say: If I could I would lol!) I know our kids that are old enough to help out will also be greatly blessed for taking part in these activities and family time that is specifically set aside to accomplish specific goals that have been outlined by the church. If they see that it is important enough to us to set the time aside and prepare for things like this - no matter what else is going on, then it will become important to them too! 

Thursday, December 31, 2015

AWESOME Dry Milk Bucket Sale!!

I have been posting this on our Facebook page but also thought I would post it here! This is an amazing deal so this would be a great item to use as your 1 Food Item edition for January's FHE!!! By grouping up with another lady on Facebook we are getting the bucket 50% as a large bulk order. :) Let me know if you're interested!

Dry Milk Order- Order Date: January 18th (I will pick them all up on the 20th!!)

Recommended storage amount of dry milk per person per year is a minimum of 16lbs. The bucket has 28lbs which will help you meet your storage goal quickly.
I was price comparing the dry milk from the storehouse and a sale(which ends Jan 31st) on the dry milk buckets, and found this better price:
Storehouse- comes in 1.8lb mylar bags and costs $6.25 which works out to be $3.47/lb
28 lb dry milk bucket- (6 gallon food grade bucket, with mylar bag inside, and re-closable gamma lid.) $87.99 works out to be $3.14/lb
28 lbs, 437 servings
$159.99 (retail price)
$87.99 (our group order sale price)
Non-fat powdered milk (Non-GMO, gluten-free, no additives.)
Total price for 1 bucket would be: $90.63. I would need to have your money by the pick up date. :)

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

January 2016 - FHE

Hey everyone! Our first Family Home Evening is set up and posted! You can just click on the FHE outline and print it off to use! It was also posted on our Facebook page this morning so that you can access it there also. 
smile emoticon
January's Emergency Prep FHE is: Monday January 25th.
Access it on Facebook or CLICK HERE to download and print January's FHE outline:

Just a reminder that the FHE is meant to be an avenue for you to take ACTION! Please prepare ahead of time so that you can either accomplish it as a family on FHE or talk about what you did that month at FHE. (How ever it works best for your family!) Please try not to accomplish your Emergency Prep items the last week of the month if possible.
I will also be setting up quarterly group "activities" for us to do together so look out for fun stuff in store for you!! I'm super excited about this new year and know that we will all be a success!! Thank you so much for your support!

Monday, July 6, 2015

The church revised their food storage plan to a simple 4 step plan. If you are not familiar with the new guideline you can read more about it, but here is a shortened version of the 4 step plan. smile emoticon
DO step 1, 2, & 3 at the same time!!!
1. Bare minimum of a 2 week supply of water for each family member. *Will and I calculated it out to being 4.4 flats of 24 water bottles PER family member for a 2 weeks supply. Macey's is having their purified flats of water bottles on sale for $1.88 right now which was UNDER $35 for our 4 member family's 2 weeks supply!! Why did we not do it sooner???
2. Store a 3 MONTH supply of food that your family is USE TO EATING! That way, if you can't go to the store for food, the things on their plate are not a big shocker! smile emoticon With that, they said you can also add some long term food supply (like we did our hard wheat buckets!) along with your 3 month supply.
3. A small financial reserve in cash and coin. Does not have to be over $100 of cash and coin because when it all goes down money will not even have value. Sorry! frown emoticon
AFTER you complete the first three steps move onto #4:
ONE YEAR FOOD SUPPLY to sustain your family! Which we will all be working on or currently finishing! 

Check out the following article about what is going on in Greece right now. Click below:

Bare Supermarket Shelves In Greece Should Be A Huge Wake Up Call To Millions Of Clueless Americans

Will's and my family would survive for 3 months on the regular food storage (NOT including our almost year supply of hard wheat) we have and also 2 weeks supply of bottled water supply along with 2 water filtering systems to provide water when our bottled supply runs out.  I feel much better then I did just a few weeks ago even if we do not have everything that we would need for a year!!! 

WHAT ABOUT YOU?????????????????
smile emoticon

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Hey! Just so you know.... if you send any emails to:
it will automatically appear on the Facebook Group Page as a post! smile emoticon

July 2015 - FHE

Discuss & List Your Family's Top 3 Current Priorities

Hey Everyone! Tomorrow is our first Emergency Prep Family Home Evening. Yea!!  With each Emergency Prep FHE there will be an "ASSIGNMENT" for your family to share here on our Facebook Group Page so make sure not to skip out on the fun sharing opportunity! :)

For our first FHE we would like you to get together as a family and decide on the top 3 Emergency Prep things you NEED to focus on in your immediate family situation. We may all have some of the same top things and some may greatly differ. :) And that's ok! This will just get your family starting to talk about what you need to focus on right now and let Will and I (and the rest of the family) know what things should be in our FHE list this quarter.

Also, discuss in your family WHY you want these things and WHY emergency prep is important. :)

ASSIGNMENT: By Tuesday night, please get on to the Facebook Group Page and share your family's top 3 focuses here so that we can be aware together!

Also, along with this, every family that is going to the family campout on July 24th was given a "skill" assignment to prepare and share with the family at the campout. You can choose to incorporate that into this FHE or choose another night to start brain storming what you would like to prepare. :)

Please feel free to contact me if you have ANY questions at all!   - Jodie

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Pine Cone Fire Starters - July 2015

Welcome Back! 2015

Welcome back to Family Emergency Prep - 2015! It's been a while but no time is better than the present to jump back on board and ride the covered wagon to success! I would like to also take a second to give a special welcome to our out of state families: Winner & Kari and Gabe & Christine! We are SUPER excited to have you guys as an active part of our monthly activities now! Yea!!

As a little "welcome back" gift for everyone, we handed out a Pine Cone Fire Starter to each family! They are easy to make and make great fire starters that easily store in a box or bag. :) Here is a tutorial for your family if you would like to make more!

Pine Cone Fire Starters:

What You Will Need:

* Expert Pine Cone Gatherers!  :)
* 24 -  MEDIUM sized Pine Cones. (large circumference will be too big for your pan! Whoops!)
* 2 lbs of Wax - we used soy candle wax from Hobby Lobby (only $5.99 with weekly 40% coupon! HERE)
* Candle Twine - we used one package for 24 pine cones - also from Hobby Lobby.
* 1-2 cupcake pans
* Cupcake liners - A MUST!!!
* Scissors
* A scent - (optional) - maybe good if it was for a gift??? :)

Let's Get Started!!!

1. Gather up 24 medium sized pine cones that will fit into your cupcake pans.

2. Cut your twine into about 7-8 inch strips - 1 for each pine cone. Wrap the twine piece at the base of the pine cone (as LOW as you can to ensure it will get covered by the wax!) until it feels tight and secure. We did not have to go all the way around the pine cone as long as we WEDGED the twine in nice and tight! Leave at least 2 inches sticking out to use as your "wick". 

3. At the same time or after you are finished with your "wicks", start melting your wax in a glass or metal container (we used Shayna's measuring bowl  - thanks Shayna!! - but even a mason jar would work!) Place your melting container in a pot on your stove with enough water in the pot (not in your glass melting container lol) to cover about half way up on your melting container. Fill up your melting container 1/2 - 3/4 full of your wax and start boiling the water. It will look like this while it's melting: (milky looking)

Just keep melting and stirring until there are no chunks left and it looks like this. Perfect!!!

Good Job Will!

4. Once your wax is clear and good to go, get your cupcake pans filled with liners and start pouring your wax into the liners a little more than 1/2 way full. (no more than 3/4 full!) Don't worry about the wax cooling too fast! It will take about 1-2 hours for the wax to solidify so you can pour all of your wax at the same time. :)

5. Place a pine cone into each cupcake liner making sure to keep the top end of your wick out of the wax! We just quickly wrapped ours around the top of the pine cone to hold it in place. 

6. It takes about 2 hours for the wax to cool on the counter top. We placed our pine cone pans in the fridge to speed things up a little bit! This is a good time to wash out any dish that had wax in or around it with HOT water so that it's an easy cleanup!

7. Once they have completely chilled out pop them out of the pans! You now have tons of useful and CUTE little pine cone fire starters for your Emergency Prep storage! Keep them in the cupcake liners to help protect the wax until you use them. :)


Friday, June 13, 2014

Idea For #10 Leftover Cans

I found this in a Facebook post of "41 Camping Hacks" that you can find on my Facebook page (the full list). I thought this would be a fun activity to try out as a family preparation activity! :) This is one way to reuse our #10 cans which we all have floating around the house or garage and makes the bread portable and resealable with the rubber lids. Wonder if we could come up with an "outdoor" oven that would be able to be used to bake these? Any ideas?

Tin Can Sandwich Bread
Dough/Bread machine
1 cup warm water
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 egg, slightly beaten
salt to taste
1/4 cup finely minced sun-dried tomato
1/3 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 cups all purpose flour
1 package (or 1 tablespoon) yeast
Mix all ingredients to create dough
Spray insides of two tall tomato-juice-size cans 
Divide dough and place in cans
Cover cans and let rise for an hour
Place cans in cold oven
Turn oven on to 400 degrees and allow bread to heat inside oven for 15 minutes
After 15 minutes, turn oven down to 350
Let bake for 15 more minutes at 350
Let cool and enjoy!

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Case lot sales happen about 3 times a year at local Utah stores (such as Maceys) and can be a big help in accomplishing your food storage supply goals. Here is some information and ideas on how to shop case lot sales for your food storage!

  • WHAT IS A CASE LOT SALE? About 3 times a year, several grocery stores in Utah have case lot sales where you can buy 6, 12, 24 or 48 cans or packaged foods at a reduced price. There are also some freezer foods as well. You can also find dehydrated foods in #10 cans and buckets of wheat, oats and more at reduced prices. 
  • COMPARE PRICES All items in a case lot sale are not the cheapest, so it is best to compare. Unless you have lots of experiences with food prices, I suggest you review my Utah Case Lot Sale Price list and decide in advance which items you want to purchase. It compares the case lot prices to regular prices found at Costco, Sam's Club, Walmart, the LDS Home Storage Center and a few food storage companies. 
  • SHOPPING PLAN Planning beforehand will prevent shopping on impulse. You might get star-struck when you walk into a store and see all of those stacked cases. So it is best to come prepared with a list, gather only what you need, and get out of the store as quickly as possible.
  • BUDGET Set a budget limit. You don't want to go in debt for food storage. "Patience is a virtue." Realize this is not the only sale. There is always another sale just around the corner.
  • CONTAINER SIZE Only buy foods your family will eat or use, so you don't waste money. Stock up on the container size your family will use before it goes to waste. For instance, a 40 oz. peanut butter would go rancid in my family before an 18 oz. one will. And so would a gallon of oil, so I buy the 48 oz. size. Even though larger may be cheaper, it may not be the best choice for your family. 
  • OTHER SALES There are case lot sales in January, March/April, August/September in Utah. And there will be some great baking item sales in November and December on items such as flour, sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, cake mixes, evaporated milk, etc., so you do not have to buy those items now unless you are really low. 
  • SINGLE ITEMS AT THE SALES PRICE Some stores like Maceys let you to buy single items at the case sale price. This is helpful for those of you with limited storage space who may not want a whole case of one item. It also helps you buy a variety of foods. Smith's does not allow you to break a case.
  • AVOID DISTRACTIONS Shop without little kids. Teens are great for lifting items or pushing an extra cart. But it's difficult to fit a child in a cart and 4 cases of food.
  • ORDER IN ADVANCE Some stores let you order cases with a list found at the customer service desk. Love that! Fill it out and leave it at the desk, then come back when you are ready to pick up your cases. Call the store customer service desk to find out if your store does this.
Good luck!


Spring case lots sales are still going on, I believe, at least at Maceys and might be helpful in stocking up some food storage supplies. Here is a list I found online on the Prepared LDS Family blog that shows a lot of the items you can find on sale!

A Sample of Prices You May See
WF Bottled Water 24 pk. - $2.50 ($1.99 at Bowmans!)
WF Pasta 48 oz. - 2/$5.00
WF Canned Tomatoes - .50 ea. (.38 at Maceys & Bowmans!)
Hunt's Pasta Sauce 24 oz. - .88 ea.
WF Vegetables - .50 ea.
WF Mandarin Oranges  - .59 (.38 at Maceys & Bowmans!)
WF Canned Fruit - .88
WF Green Chiles - .50 ea. (.38 at Maceys & Bowmans!)
WF Refried Beans - .59 ea. (.38 at Maceys & Bowmans!)
WF Canned Specialty Beans - .50 ea. (.38 at Macey's & Bowmans!)
WF Macaroni & Cheese - .39 ea.
WF Peanut Butter 18 oz - $1.66 ea.
Pompeian Ex. V. Olive Oil 68 oz. 9.99
WF Albacore Tuna 5 oz, - .99 ea. (amazing!)
WF Creamed soups - .69 (.49 at Maceys & Bowmans!)
WF Tomato & Chicken Noodle soup - .55 (.38 at Maceys & Bowmans)
WF Broth - .59 (.38 at Maceys!)
WF Chili - .88
Apple Juice 64 oz. - $1.50 ea.
Morning Moos #10 Milk alternative - $9.99
Augason Farms #10 Dry Whole Eggs - $16.99
Whole Red or White Wheat 50 lb bag - $14.99
Krusteaz Pancake mix 10 lb. - $6.99 (about the same as Costco)
WF Pancake Mix 7 lb. - $5.98 at Bowmans
Mrs. Buttersworth Pancake Syrup 2 pk. 64 oz. - $6.99 (about the same as Costco)
WF Pancake Syrup 128 oz. - $5.98 (at Maceys & Bowmans)
WF Cake Mix - .88 ea. (amazing!)
WF Brown or Powdered Sugar 32 oz. - .99 (amazing!)
WF Sugar 4 lb. - $1.49 (about the same as Costco)
WF Salad dressing or mayo 30 oz. - $1.99
WF Oatmeal 42 oz. - $1.99
WF Instant Oatmeal packets - $1.50
WF Olives 6 oz. - .99
WF Ketchup - .99
Seasoning mixes - .33 ea.
Crest Toothpaste - .99 ea. (Fresh Market & Bowmans)

WF = Western Family brand sold in Utah

You are welcome to copy and past this list. Good luck stocking up!


Just a friendly reminder that our big gardening Saturday is ONLY 9 days away!!!! Have you got all of your supplies for your garden box(s) and seed starting yet? Will will be contacting all of the guys this Saturday to talk about building the boxes but please feel free to contact either one of us for any questions you might have. Please refer back to the gardening post on 2/26/2014 for the list of all of the supplies you will need for this fun activity we have planned! I can't wait to see you all and to kick off our gardening 2014 season together!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Canning Raw Meat

I'm on a treasure hunt today and this is a subject I've been wondering about and once I looked into it it seems very easy and worth while! Canned raw meat can be stored up to 3 years and only needs to be stored in a darker cool room instead of being refrigerated. :) Here are my main treasures I found today about the process. There is also a link to a video I found to be interesting. The guy is kind of goofy and doesn't really give you information on storing it but has a few insider tips he shares and shows how he adds some flavoring to his canned meat so it will taste better later on!


Water Storage Information

Just an interesting video and water storage sheet that I ran across today in my treasure hunt. :) Thought they were interesting enough to post. The sheet is FULL of great water storage information (like storing water on FREE pallets!!!) and the video is a great idea on how to store your large 55 gallon barrels. Check them out!

Printable Water Storage Sheet:



Hey everyone! Come on over to the blog and vote on our updated family poll! Only 1 person, thank you who ever you were, voted on the poll last time we had it up! :( We're interested in what EVERYONE thinks!

It's the same question: "How long do you think we have to prepare?" but now that we're a year plus into it I thought it would be interesting to see where everyone thinks we're at! Answer the question in reference to when you think we will need to START the use our emergency preparedness skills and gatherings, such as our week kits, emergency food supply, etc....not necessarily as if the 2nd coming is happening this weekend in entirety! Lol. I already voted! :)

You will find the poll on the blogs' main page - right hand side column towards the bottom of the page!


Hey everyone! Here is the link to the raised garden bed tutorial we are going to be using! It does not include the instructions for the weed block bottom that we are going to be stapling into the inside of our beds but will at least give you an overview of what we are going to be doing here in just a few weeks!


Don't forget that there are things you need to be thinking about and doing to get ready for our gardening activity on March 29th! It's coming up fast so let's get busy!!! Here is just a quick checklist for you but for details please see my last post in Gardening!


- Have you found the new home for your raised garden box? It will need 6-8 hours of sun a day to be successful! Please choose out your spots and have them ready (remove large rocks or equipment, etc...) before we all show up to build on the 29th!
- Have you purchased all of the supplies you need for your garden box(s)?
- Report to Jodie if you are planning on building MORE than one box to make sure we will have enough weed block fabric available on that day! We will be picking up our supplies soon so we will need to know as soon as you know!
- Your family's seed starter supplies! (bring with you on the 29th to do together! Yea!!!)

Will will be calling all of the guys soon to orchestrate the tools and elbow grease needed to make all the boxes. If you have any questions or concerns before he gets a hold of your family please feel free to call! :)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Just a friendly reminder about our April activity preparation!

As a family we are going to be participating in this years' The Great Utah ShakeOut!
The Great ShakeOut takes place on Thursday April 17th but depending on everyone's schedule we may or may not be doing our drill on that specific day. There are though a few things that every family needs to know and prepare for the drill. I have attached the main website where you can register your family and get ideas on how to individually prepare your family and home for this event.

The Great Utah ShakeOut website:

One of the things that we all have been thinking about for a year but now need to finish up for this ShakeOut drill is our 72 hour/Week kits! Now is the time to start on those or finish them up so that you have them for our family drill in April! Deadline!!! :)
              I know that I might have already contacted you all about this today but there is a store in American Fork called Family Storehouse which has a sale on their 2 person and 4 person 72 hour FOOD kits. They come with 4 different kinds of freeze dried meals in them and enough of them to last the 72 hours. I believe they even have the dried milk in them and so the only thing they do not contain is the water you will need to cook the meals with. The whole thing comes in a light weight plastic container and has a 25 plus year shelf life! :) The 2 person kit costs $25 and the 4 person kit costs $50. The 50% off sale is only going through this Saturday and they have plenty in stock. It's a quick and simple way to get  the food for your 72 hour/Week kits. :) Please contact me for any other info.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

March 2014 Activity

Hey everyone! We are up and running again with the blog so stay tuned in every week for updates and information that will be important for you to know. We have a lot of fun things planned for the next few months that are taking place on dates that are not our normal Sunday meetings. Here is our next up coming event for you to put on your calender. :)

March 29th - Saturday - 10:00am at Will & Jodie's

Gardening activity and raised garden box building!
This fun activity is set up to help everyone get prepared for our first family gardening year!
We will be doing two different activities on this day and each family will need to have their supplies purchased and ready to go to make these activities go smooth! Please contact either Will or myself if you have ANY questions about the supply lists.

1. Plant Our Starter Seeds!
Each family will need to bring their starter seed supplies with them when we meet at 10 am. There are two main ways of starting your seeds that you can choose from. We found all of our supplies at Walmart but they can be found at almost any home store.

Supplies Needed:
-Seed Starter Cups - either prepackaged soil starter cups (see above picture) that come in a pack or you can use plastic/styrofoam dixie cups or other small containers you have around the house. (Like old cartons that flowers came in last year or even empty egg shells in a carton can be used.) The difference is one you can plant the whole soil starter cup outside when you're moving them to your garden and the other kind you will need to remove the plant and soil out of to replant in your garden.
-Package of Soil - If you are going to use empty cups you will need to buy soil to put into them. My favorite choice is Miracle Grow - Garden and Vegetable for around $5 at Walmart. You don't need very much at all and can split the bag and cost with another family. :)
-Seed Packets of Your Choice - just make sure to check the space that your seeds need on the back of the package to make sure they are going to be happy in your small garden bed.
-Tray or Baking Sheet - to keep your plant cups on and to catch any extra water.
-Watering Can - your plants are going to be very small and fragile before you plant them outside. A gentle way of watering them so you don't wash them away or break them is a watering can. You can purchase a cheap one for around $1-$2 at Walmart, Home Depot, or even the dollar store!

Our 2nd activity is going to be going around and building each family's raised garden bed! One lady made a box by herself and she said it only took 30 mins to do! With all of us working together they are going to be built in no time!
(Ours will not have the seating around the edge but everything else is the same!)

2. Building Our Garden Boxes!
Each family that is wanting to do a raised garden box this year will need to purchase their supplies before the 29th. :) These supplies need to be left at your home or location that we are building your box at. Do not bring them with you to the seed planting activity that morning.
After hours and hours and hours of researching and leg work, we have found the following raised garden bed to not only be the longest lasting and simplest build but also the most cost effective. Please ask Will or myself if you have any questions or concerns about the construction and/or supplies needed for the beds. The following supply list is for 1- 6'x3' garden bed. If you would like your box longer or build more than one box to have more room to garden in then just purchase the same supplies for each of the boxes you would like! (or for one 12 foot long box purchase an extra 6 cedar fence slats) All of our prices are from Home Depot. 
Important note: all of the wood supplies for the boxes are in Cedar. Cedar is one of the only woods available that is not chemically treated (so chemicals will not transfer to your soil and then to your plants) and is also mold and rot resistant. Your cedar box can live up to 50+ years! :) Lots of gardening!

Supplies Needed:
*Most Home Depot and Lowes stores will do all the wood cutting for you! Yeah!!!*

-Cedar Fence Slats - with flat ends- you will need 9 of these 6 foot x 6 inch x 1 inch (really 5/8th inch but are called 1 inch) fence slats for 1 raised box - get 3 of your 9 fence slats cut in half so that they are 3 feet long. These cedar fence slats costs $2.45 each vs. buying cedar boards at $13.00+ each! Yikes!
-1- Cedar 2"x 4" - This will be what your corners are going to screw into. Your 2x4 needs to be cut into 18 inch long sections. You will need 4 of these 18 inch long sections for your 1 box. Your cedar 2x4 costs $5.77 at Home Depot.
-Package of 1.5" Wood Screws - self explanatory! :) You will need at least 24 screws.  ($3.00 pkg)
-Easy Gardeners Weed Block Landscape Fabric - Each family's portion is $5.00 - One roll will do ALL of our garden boxes so plan on contributing just $5.00 for your portion when we get together on the 29th! Will and I will pick it up and have it available to you on that day. If you are planning on building more than 1 box please let us know so that we can make sure to pick up enough for all the boxes. :)

Rough Total Cost for 1 garden box - $35.82 

Also, you can purchase stain if you would like to stain your raised garden box. You can either stain your wood before the 29th or stain it after it is put together. It's up to you but we will not be staining boxes on the 29th as part of the activity.

Do not buy soil for your garden boxes yet. We have a garden mixture delivery in the works that will cut your cost from almost $100 in store bought bags to only $20 for all of the nutrient rich soil your family will need! We will talk more about this on the 29th.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

5/26/2013 - CONTINGENCY PLANS - Get together with your family and start to put together your contingency plan using the forms that were provided to us from Shayna.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

3/17/2013 - FOOD STORAGE - Make you family's food storage plan. Purchase salt and garden seeds by next meeting for your storage.